Sightings in Andonia
This site details the events of Andonia, a bizarre realm of thoughts and dreams. The artist for this site is Andy Statia. If you'd like to see his other site (that has colour drawings), you can find it at Beet's World.
Week 1
2006-08-29, Week 1, Day 7
Old Friends Along for the Ride
First week anniversary edition
2006-08-28, Week 1, Day 6
"How could I be losing?! He only had one guy at the start."
2006-08-27, Week 1, Day 5
Fall in Space
2006-08-26, Week 1, Day 4
Secrets of the Deep After Bedtime
2006-08-25, Week 1, Day 3
A Little Imagination
2006-08-24, Week 1, Day 2
Friends Worlds Apart
2006-08-23, Week 1, Day 1
Go, Cintiq!
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